Monday, October 22, 2012

Fall is officially here in Montreal. My favourite season... These brisk autumn days with hot tea, cuddly scarves and the warm oranges and reds of the fallen leaves are what I love most. Nothing slow about the days though. Life is as busy as can be, between trying to be a student, working part time and finding pieces of time in between to do the things I love... knitting, working on new jewellery and just spending time in a cafe with a matcha latte and collaging in my journal... These simple moments are what I live for. I have also been recently blessed to find my way into the life of the sweetest guy. He makes me smile and laugh and I couldn't be happier right now... 

Its times like these at 4am when I am awake mentally preparing myself to get to my studio at school to work on assignments due in 24hrs that have not even been started! That finding the time for simple pleasures in life, whether it be a hot cup of tea in your favourite mug. A chance to do some knitting curled up in the sun or a walk at sunrise are really the moments that build our lives and make them worth living. I see theres no point in worrying (like I do often) about where I am going with my art, schooling and career. Or even fussing over killing myself to finish something on time with but a few hours of sleep! ...Its about the ride, and what you learn along the way. I'm starting to see that worrying about being an amazing student or creating groundbreaking pieces of art is silly because with that mentality greatness cant appear, only sickness and nauseous tummies. Its when we are present in the experience and worry free that true artistic brilliance will occur with little effort put forth, but a keen attitude and love for self.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really beautiful post. I have to remind myself the same sometimes-it's about the process and creating and living something real..not "sickness and nauseous tummies". So true. Beautiful art, by the way:) xo
